Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Indonesia Sorrowfull Again


      We don't know what happened with our country,recently many disaster had happened in Indonesia.Our tears didn't yet dry about Wasior flood that grumbled many victim sources.Disaster come back happen in Indonesia,Tsunami in Mentawai and Eruption of Merapi had made Indonesia society sorrowful again.It same matter happened too in Tsunami Mentawai and Eruption of Merapi,many victim sources grumbled in this disaster.Many tears spill and of course We feel what they feel.Many children lost their family and lost their education for a while.
     Actually,what happen with Indonesia?why Indonesia always gived a disaster by God?is a God angry with us?are we don't express thank with a God gift?are we always injure God? ask ourself,did we realize about that?.We as a human must introspection with all problem happened in our lovely country.Start now and next We must more love all that God had given for us order to God don't angry with us and won't disaster again in Indonesia.
Come on guys,let's pray for Indonesia.

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